race ready group program
Run your strongest marathon or half marathon to date with the Race Ready Group Training Program!
This program provides you with a customized plan and individualized feedback during your training cycle, but without the monthly commitment that 1:1 coaching requires. It’s a great way to explore working with a coach for the first time, or as an alternative to 1:1 coaching if you want a more personalized touch without needing as many check-ins.
Race Ready will open again in mid-late May with a focus on October + November marathons. Race Ready only opens a few times/year for limited windows of time, so it’s best to add yourself to the waitlist so you are notified when you can sign up. Adding yourself to this list does not commit you to anything - it will simply give you notice + access to any special pricing when it reopens for registration!
train strong for your next marathon or half marathon
How It works
who is a good fit for this program?
Runners who make a good fit for the Race Ready program have these characteristics:
Have a goal marathon or half marathon they want to train well for
Are dipping their toes into coaching for the first time and want more support, but aren’t ready for a monthly investment or longer commitment
Don’t need a ton of outside accountability from a coach, but do want a more customized plan to reach big goals
Running no more than 30 miles per week on average when starting the program
Are ready to implement a new approach to training and want to learn the why + how behind the training plan to continue growing beyond the program
Alternatively, you are NOT a good fit for Race Ready if you:
Are injured or haven’t properly rehabbed a recent injury when starting training
Are a high mileage runner
Want ongoing coaching through multiple training cycles
Are training for multiple goal races in a short timespan or are training for a different distance than a half or full marathon
Want a 100% customized training plan with a lot of checking in
what is included in the race ready program?
Customized Training Plan: After completing the intake form + setting up an account in the VDOT platform on Coach Tammy’s roster, you will receive either a 12 week training plan [for a half marathon goal] or an 18 week training plan [for a marathon goal]. It will be customized for your current starting mileage and the date of your goal race. Your paces will also be customized based on your current fitness level.
Monthly Feedback: Coach Tammy will look at your workouts + training in VDOT once/month for the length of your plan and provide individualized feedback to ensure you’re on the right track. There will be an option to add more frequent feedback for the fall marathon programs.
Course Materials: Lifetime access to 30+ videos + resources walking you through everything you need to do to train with confidence, from fueling + hydration to adjusting for injuries + life stuff to setting goals + preparing to race day + post-race recovery + more. You’ll also receive any updated materials that are added in the future.
Ongoing Support: Access to our team Discord to engage with the rest of the TW Training community, as well as a separate Race Ready channel to ask Coach Tammy any training-specific questions
IRL Events: Invitations to team weekend events [3-4/year at various races throughout the country] + team runs in Chicago
Team Workshops: These are held about once/quarter and are led by different experts in sports nutrition, sports psychology, physical therapy, and more.
COST: $397
what tw training athletes are saying
Frequently Asked Questions
Race Ready is for low-medium mileage runners, who will be starting their half or full marathon training at 30 miles per week or less. The number of races you’ve run is irrelevant. Paces are customized for you in the VDOT platform, so all levels are appropriate, however, if you are a higher mileage runner or are completely new to running, this wouldn’t be a good option.
Your training plan will be customized for your goal marathon or half marathon, and your paces will be customized for you in the platform based on a recent race [or time trial when you start]. The plan is also customized for your starting mileage and will progress accordingly. It is NOT customized for your individual schedule or any other races outside of the goal race, however, you can use the videos in the materials to help you make adjustments, as well as ask Tammy questions in Discord.
Discord is like a Facebook group or Slack. It’s an app that allows us to have a private team community with different channels for different topics. There is a private Race Ready channel for this program to ask any training-specific questions, and you also have access to the other channels with other TW Team members to crowd source, coordinate in-person runs, and build community.
No, this program is specifically for the half marathon and the marathon distances.
There are several videos in the resources that walk you through how to make modifications to your training plan in a smart way. Coach Tammy will also tell you in her monthly feedback if you’ve made adjustments that aren’t smart. Finally, you can ask questions in Discord if you’re still not sure what to do.
You will be removed from Coach Tammy’s roster after your goal race, however, you are welcome to continue using the VDOT platform on your own. There are also plans to have additional customized plans for purchase in the future, so you can snag one of those for another race.
Individualized strength workouts are not included, but strength training is written into all plans, and there are a few strength workouts available in the resources to support you. Cross training is programmed in some plans, specifically runners who are running low mileage.
No, it is not required to have a GPS watch for this program. It is very helpful to have a Garmin or Coros watch, however, as these sync directly with the platform and workouts will load in your watch - so it saves you time. But Strava and Apple Watch also sync with VDOT, so if you are using a different watch or just the app on your phone, that works too!
There are resources to support you if you start having pain and you also have access to Coach Tammy in Discord to ask questions. She’ll help you get back on your feet as quickly as possible if you were to get injured. If you are unable to complete more than half of the training because of injury, you would be given the option to get another training plan within 6 months. No refunds will be given.
Reach out to Tammy via the contact page [https://www.tw-training.com/contact] and she’ll get back to you with answers!